I lost my job, I'm getting unemployment, I'm still pregnant, no insurance, and money is tight. Yeah, that's about the gyst of it LOL.
I need to go someday this week to see if I can apply for Medicaid. I had it when I was pregnant with Corinn, and although I'd much rather have regular insurance, this is pretty much my only option since there is no way we can afford to have a baby otherwise.
I have an ultrasound at the end of the month and get to see what the sex is. We're not really leaning toward one or the other, just a healthy baby. Although I think everyone else hopes it's a boy. To be honest, I'd just as soon have another girl. Corinn is so easy, and the thought of having a little boy running around frightens me.
Speaking of Corinn, she starts Kindergarten next month and turns 5 on the 20th. I can't believe my baby will be in school! We are very excited though. I think she will like it a lot. She has to wear uniform-type clothing to school, so my mom bought her a few things this weekend. She looked so cute in them, I was about to cry. My big girl!
Here she is playing on the computer. She has become addicted to nickjr.com and mylittlepony.com games and learned how to use the mouse very quickly. I'm so proud of her, although I still need to remind her to take potty breaks when she's playing LOL.