Monday, July 16, 2007

Back Where I Belong

Yes, I have been away for a while. I haven't felt too much like posting, but I'm back. Of course a lot has happened in the past couple months, so I'll just type the short version...

I lost my job, I'm getting unemployment, I'm still pregnant, no insurance, and money is tight. Yeah, that's about the gyst of it LOL.

I need to go someday this week to see if I can apply for Medicaid. I had it when I was pregnant with Corinn, and although I'd much rather have regular insurance, this is pretty much my only option since there is no way we can afford to have a baby otherwise.

I have an ultrasound at the end of the month and get to see what the sex is. We're not really leaning toward one or the other, just a healthy baby. Although I think everyone else hopes it's a boy. To be honest, I'd just as soon have another girl. Corinn is so easy, and the thought of having a little boy running around frightens me.

Speaking of Corinn, she starts Kindergarten next month and turns 5 on the 20th. I can't believe my baby will be in school! We are very excited though. I think she will like it a lot. She has to wear uniform-type clothing to school, so my mom bought her a few things this weekend. She looked so cute in them, I was about to cry. My big girl!

Here she is playing on the computer. She has become addicted to and games and learned how to use the mouse very quickly. I'm so proud of her, although I still need to remind her to take potty breaks when she's playing LOL.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm only happy when it rains...

Ok, that may sound strange, and normally it would not be true. But when I don't feel good, I just can't enjoy sunshine. This morning I felt like crap. Corinn decided to wake up early again. I was already running late. It was raining. And a truck with a boat was stalled on the freeway. I was 18 minutes late. So normally, yeah, I would be cursing the rain. But I'm actually thankful that the sun isn't shining. It just gives me a headache and makes me even more nauseous.

I got some of those Preggie Pops from Motherhood this weekend. Yesterday I had a raspberry one and I was pretty good. Not sure if it actually relieved my morning sickness though, as I usually throw up first thing after using the bathroom. But this morning I grabbed another one and man, was it NASTY! I looked at the packet and realized it must have been the ginger flavored one. Ewwww. That is the grossest taste! I had a couple of licks and had to throw it away. I knew I needed something though, so I grabbed a peach tea and some blueberry yogurt on my way out. That yogurt was so yummy, and I feel much better now.

Currently listening to: "Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha" by Sam Cooke

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Don't blame it on me...

Eeek, I know I haven't posted in a while. But this pregnancy is taking a lot out of me...literally. I throw up every morning now, sometimes more than once. And by lunch (whether I eat something first or not), my stomach hurts so bad, I can't tell if it's hunger pains or if I need to make a beeline for the bathroom. I usually have to sit and take some deep breaths and go grab something to eat quickly, before the pains return. Then I usually feel fine for a while, until about 2:30 when I feel like I could fall asleep at my desk. That's why I'm here typing this now.

I had a nice Mother's Day. My mom came over and we went to eat at Olive Garden. Ros got me a $100 gift card to Motherhood Maternity and a sweet card, plus a card "from Corinn". My mom gave me a nice card too. I got her a cute summery purse and a Brad Paisley CD. Then we played a round of TV Scene mom won. She was happy cause we always kick her butt at Music Scene It.

For some reason Corinn has become an earlybird. She got up at 6:30 yesterday, and came in our room, ready for her morning orange juice. Ros told her to go back to bed, but after I got in the shower, apparently she decided to get back up, so he got her some juice and one of her DVDs going for her. Then last night after I got home and was relaxing on the couch watching 90210, I looked over at Corinn and she was just sitting there, looking like she was all into the show. I thought that was cute. Next thing I knew, she was asleep. After Ros was finished with his lessons, about 8:00, she was still on the couch so we put her to bed. So of course, she got up at 6:30 again this morning. This time I got up and got her juice and turned on the TV to the Disney Channel. When I was leaving she was sitting there watching Mickey Mouse and I got her some grapes and kissed her bye. Of course Ros was still asleep...I'm gonna have to get onto him. He's been coming to bed at like 2 or 3 in the morning. That's gonna have to stop. Corinn may just be ready to go to bed early and get up early. And I'm not gonna have her sitting there watching TV til 9 or 10 when he decides to get up, and then even longer while he decides to go in the studio. Nope. He may think of it as a nuisance to have her get up early while he wants to sleep, but too bad. He doesn't have to stay up til the wee hours of the morning. Ugh, makes me angry thinking about it. So I'll stop...

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Well, I finally got to the doctor yesterday. I'm not as far along as I thought I was. The doctor said my uterus didn't feel as big as it should be if I was 12 weeks, so they did an ultrasound. I got to see the tiny little embryo and beating heart. Because of its measurements, I'm about 8 weeks. It still seems very strange to me though because I could have sworn I didn't have a period at all in March. In fact, I remember being at the travel agency and sitting there having cramps, thinking I was about to start my period. But I never did. Is it possible to ovulate and conceive without having a period first? It just seems odd to me. Anyway, my due date is December 12.
We registered Corinn for kindergarten yesterday too. Well, we didn't get to finish because she needs three more shots, so Ros will take her to get that done, then she can be registered. I can't believe my baby is going to be starting school.
Rhonda moved out Saturday. Woohoo! Ros and I are so glad to have our house back. I can already see a change in him; he's much less stressed. I know it was taking its toll on both of us.
I have started getting sick. I threw up for the first time Monday, once Tuesday, and twice this morning. I hope it doesn't last forever. I just have another month to go before I reach my second trimester, so hopefully it will go away then.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Constant Craving

I think I have my first food craving with this pregnancy...Subway! I've had it two days in a row for lunch. The exact same sandwich - a six inch meatball on wheat with mayo, cheese, lettuce, black olives, onions, and jalapenos. With Doritos. YUMMY!!

Still haven't gotten real sick, but I do feel queezy every so often. I just take a few deep breaths and it usually goes away. This morning I actually drank some Coke to settle my stomach. I don't drink Coke. Ever. If I do, it's diet, and that's only every once in a while. But I didn't have any diet Coke and I didn't want coffee. The thought of it actually makes me sick. But I needed my caffeine, so Coke actually sounded good. Tea is good too (drinking that now), but it has to be unsweet. All Ros ever buys is sweetened and I think all we have right now is that lemon flavored crap. Bleh! Water has become my best friend. Sometimes there is nothing better than a nice glass of ice cold water. Ahhhh....

I signed up for benefits through Office Team last week and I should get those by the end of the week, or first of next week. Then I can finally get to the doctor. My pants are already getting too snug. It won't be long before I'll need maternity clothes. I'm actually very excited about that. I never understood women who would hold out as long as they could in their regular clothes. I love maternity clothes! They are the most comfortable clothes!! I don't have to worry about feeling fat or trying to hide my belly (which I have even not being pregnant). I had this one blue outfit when I was pregnant with Corinn that was my absolute favorite. I wish I could find one like that again.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A little good news...

Okay I haven't posted in a while. I was going to wait til I actually got to the doctor, but I figured what the heck...
I'm pregnant!!
Yep, my test came out positive. Well actually, not the first time. The weekend after I posted last, I took a test and I couldn't tell if it was positive or not. It kind of looked like a plus sign, but the verticle line was very very light. So I dismissed it as being negative.
Well, another week or so went by and Rhonda goes "you still haven't had your period?" I said "no" and she said "girl, take another test!" So I did. This time it was a bright plus sign :). Ros was in a lesson so I called him into the house to see. He was all smiles. He told me to take another test just to be sure. So I did and again it was a big bright plus sign. I'm really happy. Unfortunately I haven't gone to the doctor yet because we don't have insurance, but I'm looking into trying to get some through a program Office Team offers. If not, Ros and I will just have to get some ourselves.
My guess is I'm about 6-8 weeks along. I'm excited because this time I can do it right. With Corinn we still lived in a little apartment and now this baby will have its own room. And I want to get new furniture, not hand-me-downs. And as soon as Rhonda moves out, Ros and I are going to the Justice of the Peace to get married.
Speaking of Rhonda...I won't get into all the details because it's tiresome, but Ros says she has to be out by the end of May. She says she's moving out by the end of this month, but I'll believe it when I see it.

I got this from Marla's blog so I thought I'd try it too...

10 songs I love to hear no matter how old they are:
1. "Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel
2. "Knock Three Times" by Tony Orlando & Dawn
3. "Animal" by Def Leppard
4. "Gypsy" by Fleetwood Mac
5. "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel
6. "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John
7. "Heart & Soul" by T'Pau
8. "20th Century Boy" by T-Rex
9. "Superstar" by The Carpenters
10. "Hard Luck Woman" by KISS

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's getting better everyday...

Well, I finally got a job! It's through Office Team so it's temp-to-hire. But it's close to home which was number on on my wishlist. It only takes me about ten to fifteen minutes to get here. I only get thirty minutes for lunch, but it makes it worth it because I get to leave at 4:30. I am the receptionist/secretary for a disaster restoration company. I started Friday, so I haven't had all that much to do yet, but I'm sure they'll give me more once I get settled in. So far I really like it. Everyone is very nice, unless that crappy job I had before.
Unfortunately, I've been sick for about a week now. It started with my throat scratchy and a runny nose. Then I got the sinus headache and stuffy nose. Now it's all draining which makes me cough a lot, but it's mixed in with that nasty thick phlem. Blech! I had a little bit of a fever yesterday (I could tell because my face was red) and I still had one this morning. But it's not so bad that I can't work. Which is good because I can't afford to miss already. I feel better now; I took some Dayquil this morning and a Mucinex at lunch.
On a different note...I haven't had my period yet this month! I know that it's a very big possibility, and actually I'd say it's most probable that I'm not pregant. Because I have PCOS. My periods aren't regular, and I've been known to miss a month or two here and there. But I have been regular for about the last four months. It is also quite possible that I'm late due to stress of trying to find a job and the whole deal with our house not being our own for a while (yes, Rhonda STILL hasn't moved out). But then I think...there is a little tiny possibility that I am pregnant. I don't wanna get my hopes up, but man I would be so happy. I'm holding out on taking a test until the end of the month. And probably til I get over this illness.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sweet Child O' Mine

Here's a picture of my sweet baby girl. I took this last weekend. I was trying to get her to back up so I could get a full body shot, but she wanted to look at the camera. So I would try to push her back and she would giggle so I just started snapping. She's so precious. I love her more than anything. She's been cracking me up lately mimicking things on movies and videos she watches. One of her favorites is The Wizard of Oz. At the end of the tape, there's a little making of-type documentary hosted by Angela Lansbury and Corinn will recite it. I am still very concerned that she will be very behind with her verbal skills and some other things once she starts Kindergarten next fall, but I have seen a lot of improvement in the last six months as well. And she is very smart when it comes to letters and numbers. She knows how to spell quite a lot of words already and can count very high. She even knows how to add - just beginning adding like 1+1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 1 = 4, and so forth. She has this little easel with magnetic numbers and letters, and each day she will do a little more adding on it (with either Ros or myself). I think she's gotten to like 130-something so far.

Speaking of children, I have really been reminiscing lately. I miss being a kid. I miss playing Barbies or Ponies in my room while listening to music, or playing with my brother in his room. I miss Saturday morning cartoons and all the great shows I used to watch. Remember that show Jennifer Slept Here? It had Ann Jillian in it. She was like a ghost of a movie star that still hung around her old house and only the teenage boy that lives there can see her. I've been trying to find some kind of clips from it on youtube or even just the theme somewhere on the net, but all I've found are a couple of pictures. I don't really remember too much about the show, just that I liked it when I was a kid and thought Ann Jillian was pretty. If I'm not mistaken, I watched this show around the same time as Silver Spoons, one of my all-time favorite shows as a kid. I really wish that would come out on DVD. I think what reminded me of Jennifer Slept Here was that I have this videotape of Alice In Wonderland, an all-star cast version that aired in the late 80s. I was very excited when I found it on video a few years ago because I used to have it on a tape that I recorded directly from TV when it aired. But the tape was long gone. Anyway, now Corinn loves to watch it. And Ann Jillian plays the Red Queen in it.

I was also doing some remiscing on youtube this morning and found a cute little clip from Punky Brewster: I know this is on DVD, but I've never gotten around to buying it.

Another thing I've been reminiscing about is My Little Pony. Corinn is very much into them now, but they look much different than when I was a kid. So I found these really cool websites:, and Browsing through these sites, I recognized things I completely forgot I had. Ah the good ol' days...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Come on now love, don't you look back

I decided to change my layout and changed the video to my favorite U2 song :).

Still job searching. I'm working part-time at the travel agency where my mom works. It's not much money and only from 9-1, but at least it's a little money and I have the afternoons free for interviews (if I ever get any). I'm about ready to change careers. Not that I ever really had one...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Not everybody does it, but everybody should

Not as though anyone really reads this, but just giving a warning of possible too much information. But this is my journal afterall...

Ros and I finally had sex this morning for the first time in about two months. I have to admit that our sex life has completely sucked in the last year. And it is not me, believe me. If it were up to me, we'd have it every night, or at least four times a week. But he's always either tired, or afraid he won't be able to "do anything". He says he has a lot on his mind. I know he has been stressed about money, but I think that's going to be the case for a while, and I can't wait that long to have sex. Without going into detail, I'll just say...thank God for morning wood.

On a different note, I got fired on Tuesday. I called in sick on Monday. Now I'll admit, I was not sick. I was on my way to work, already running a little bit late, and once I got on the freeway and noticed the traffic backing up, I knew for sure I would not make it by 8:00. So I turned around and called in sick. Well, I called Diana whom I assumed was the person I needed to tell. I got her voice mail and just left a message. Well Tuesday morning I was halfway to work (not running late this time) when Diana called me and said that John said not to come in since I hadn't called in the day before. I told her I left a message with her. And she said "I wasn't here yesterday." Well no one told me!! Anyway she said that John said not to come in and sorry it didn't work out. Good riddance is what I say! I hated that job soooo much.

I have to say that I have loved being home the last couple days. I realized how much I enjoy cooking dinner and doing laundry. Is that sad?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fly To The Angels

I can't believe Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Not that I was a fan or anything, but she was in the press a lot lately and then all of a sudden she's dead? Something seems fishy...

Well, these last couple of days at work have been nice. The owner has been out of town at a trade show. I have felt so much stress just lifted off of me. I really hate that man. One of the other men here just mentioned how nice it's been and I said "I know. It's not any less busy, just less stressful." He said, "Exactly. I'm actually busier because I have to cover [for other people], but it's all smooth and calm. There's no yelling." I honestly can't believe this guy has been in business for 40 years with the attitude he has.

I have been doing very well with my better eating habits. I haven't, however, done that well with keeping up with the exercising I had meant to do. I'm just too tired in the morning to get up extra early, and when I get home it's the last thing I feel like doing. But Rhonda says she can tell already. I can't tell yet, but I do feel better about myself that I'm sticking with my diet. I hardly ever have anything sweet, except I did have a chocolate muffin this morning. The only real indulgence I have everyday is coffee. I do love my Starbucks.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I love the java jive and it loves me

Well, as much as I am a coffee drinker, I guess I don't know too much about it. I only got two questions right on this quiz.

Morning Coffe Quiz

Learned a lot though. Maybe you can do better.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Said you'd give me light...

...but you never told me 'bout the fire...

You gotta love Stevie. I've been hearing more and more of her on the radio lately. I've heard Leather and Lace a couple of times and Gypsy a few times. And Rhiannon the other day and now Sara. It's funny...I've been a Stevie nut for about 13 years now, and everytime I hear her it's like I'm a new fan again. I think most Stevie fans can relate :).

God, this day is L O N G! Still 20 minutes to go and I feel like I've been here forever. Usually the day goes by fast, but not today. That's why I actually have some time to type this now. And I am so sick of this job. People here are so uptight. I had to file some invoices and the phone was ringing. Well, if I answer the phone in the filing room, I can only answer one line at a time. If someone else calls while I'm on the phone, the main phone rings and people get pissed. I'm like, someone could help me out here! This one lady goes "answering the phone is more important than filing." I told her I didn't want the invoices to pile up. And she had the nerve to say I could come in on Saturday and do it. I said "no, I don't do that." Whatever! And I'm on salary too, so I probably wouldn't get paid overtime anyway. It really pissed me off because she's just a salesperson. She's not my manager. My thought is, if the phones are this busy, they need someone else to do stuff like copying, filing and mail postage. I barely get a brake to pee!

At least it's Friday. Ros is finished with lessons at 7 so we'll probably go eat somewhere. Then maybe watch a movie. Rhonda has the kids this weekend. Oh joy.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I still drive...dead or alive...

Yes it was only a matter of time right? LOL I added a video of Chris singing "Wanted Dead or Alive". This is really cool because it was the early part of American Idol, before they had narrowed it down to the top 10. They would do one night the girls, the next night the guys or vice verse. Seeing that all three judges were praising him at this point, saying that he had potential and a great recording voice, really says a lot about Chris. I remember liking him from the beginning, but I think it was this performance that made me a fan. I remember telling Ros (because he was teaching and had to watch the tape I recorded when he was done) something like "that rock guy sang Bon Jovi!"

Oh and let's not forget that gorgeous smile at the end....*sigh*.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Open up the book you beat me with again... it off one sentence at a time.
That's the first line of the Daughtry song "Breakdown". Isn't that a cool line? I have been listening to this cd over and over in the car. I can't seem to take it out. The other morning I listened to a Lindsay Lohan cd and a little bit of Foo Fighters and yesterday morning I listened to an Allison Moorer cd, but then I would always put the Daughtry cd back in. I put it in yesterday morning after the Allison cd was over and it's stayed in there since. I haven't wanted to listen to anything else. It just repeats and I never get tired of it.

Ooh, do you ever get a nipple itch at work? LOL My left nipple has been itching all day. So annoying, especially since I can't scratch it. My skin must be dry.

TGIF!!! This week has been LONG. Even though I missed a day on Tuesday. Corinn was still very sick so I had to take her to the doctor. She ended up having an ear infection in her left ear and a mild cause of bronchitis. Since we didn't have insurance, her doctor was very nice and gave us a ten day supply of antibiotics and she had as samples. That was a relief for us and our bank account.

I think my dad was coming to town this week but I haven't heard from him yet. He'll probably call tonight or tomorrow. He probably figures we couldn't have gotten together during the week anyway. He hasn't seen our house yet and we've been living in it for a year already. I'm anxious for him to see it, especially the studio. I just wish Rhonda wasn't living with us. Otherwise they could probably stay the night in the guest room.

Dang, it's not even 2:00 yet. This day is s l o w. . .

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's Not Over

Ok I just have to say, I'm so glad I bought this CD:

It is very good! I loved Chris Daughtry on American Idol last season. He was my favorite and I was very upset when he got knocked off. So much so that I cried. He is very talented and I knew he would make it regardless if he won or not. It was just sad to see my favorite go. Anyway, I'm not sure if it's because I don't really keep up with current music or TV, or if it's just because Houston radio sucks and never plays any American Idol people (sans Kelly Clarkson of course). But I had no idea Chris was coming out with a CD. I decided to grab it last night when I was at Target and boy, I'm glad I did. He rocks!! I sound cheesy like a teenybopper, but that's kind of how he makes me feel LOL. The first song, "It's Not Over" is totally something I could hear on the radio. I read reviews on Amazon and a lot people compared this CD to Nickelback. I've never been a Nickelback fan, but I may how to give them more of a try now LOL. Honestly, I just think the songs are really good. He wrote or co-wrote almost all of them. My favorites are "Used To" and "Over You". A few others I like a lot are "It's No Over", "Home", "What I Want" which features Slash on lead guitar (awesome!), "There And Back Again" which reminds me of a faster version of the Warrant song "AYM", and "All These Lives". The rest of the songs are good, but not quite as memorable. Definitely not bad songs though. Ros hasn't listened to it yet and I'm curious to see what he says.

Just about time to go. I'm getting sick of this place. The boss is a jerk and other people tend to be a little too uptight. I'm continuing to look, but I'm not leaving til I have something else.

My poor little girl has been sick all week. I hope she gets better soon. And Ros started feeling sick yesterday. I don't wanna get it, I can't afford to.